
Posted on February 18, 2013 by Kelsey Simpson | 0 comments


YES! I thought this was a perfect quote to start out the week. One of the greatest things I have learned is to do good things selflessly for other people if you want to feel good about yourself.

Furthering on this note, I am SO excited to begin volunteering with the Foundation for Dreams camp in Bradenton with Tatyana this summer! It's such an awesome organization that I've only recently been introduced to but I can't wait to make crafts with the kids and to make them smile and be a positive influence in their lives! If you haven't heard of the camp/organization, check out the website here and watch the video: You can help at the camp also as a volunteer or an employed counselor! 

Hope everyone had a great start to the week! 

Try to do something -regardless of how big or small- to make someone's day tomorrow! :)


Posted in bradenton, foundation for dreams, humility, inspiration, monday, quote, selfless acts of kindness, volunteer



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